Zeljko Velikasch

Dancer, Foodie, Lover and Bodyguard

Race: Hrothgar
Gender: Cis Male
Nameday: 15th Sun of the First Umbral Moon
Age: 25
Height: 6 fm 11 im
Weight: 182 pz
Sexuality: Pansexual Demiromantic
Occupation: Dancer, Bodyguard, Fisher, Cook
Nation: Bozja and Thavnair
Distinctive Features: Black fur and turquoise eyes

Backstory:Escaping from the Garlean Invasion, Zeljiko and his father sought refuge in the warm Thavnair. The five-year-old Hrothgar found his love for dancing, spectacle and marine cuisine there. Now, as a young adult, Zeljiko wanders the star looking for good fish to eat, good music to dance and good company for the road. He’s weak to pleasure and though not aggressive, he will never doubt jumping into a fight, especially to protect his loved ones.

Hooks:• Vagabond Dancer: The easiest way to meet him is to find him dancing for coin in the streets of any major city.• Hired Muscle: From carrying to protecting, there is no one who can match Zeljko's physical prowess and he will do anything for a good meal.• Fishing and Cooking: Zeljko is very food motivated and can easily be found where good food is.

Discord: gero_leo (DMs are open)
Server and world: Crystal, Coeurl
In-game name: Zeljko Velikasch
Name: Gero
Year of Birth: 1997
RP: Looking for Long-term, Romance, Friendships, Adventure, Dark Themes RP. Preferably with some planning. I usually only write my characters' actions/dialogues, not their thoughts, so my emotes can end up shorter.ERP: Can be discussed in DMs